【Distinguished Lecture Series】Fri. Sep. 20th , 10:10 am, Prof. Kuo-Wei Liu :The Recruitment Strategies for International Students in Universities: A Perspective on Industry Talent Demands

  • 2024-09-19
  • Yu-Ching Huang
113-1【傑出講座系列】Distinguished Lecture Series
*時間 Date/ Time:113 年 9 月 20 日(星期五)上午 10:10 Wed. Sep. 20th , 10:10 am
*主講者/Speaker:劉國偉 講座教授 Prof. Kuo-Wei Liu 銘傳大學 Chair Professor, Ming Chuan University
*講題/Topic:從產業人才的需求 看大學境外生招生策略 The Recruitment Strategies for International Students in Universities: A Perspective on Industry Talent Demands
1. A116 哈佛講堂 A116 Lecture Hall
2.教職員:Teams  (https://reurl.cc/Mj4xOk)  

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Organizers:Office of Secretariat、Higher Education Sprout Project
*協辦單位:中亞聯大系統 Co-Organizers:CMU-AU Syste

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